Women’s History Month: Entrepreneur working to pave way in creative field

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Some people were born to lead and Amelia McCracken is a part of that number.

“My family is a family of entrepreneurs and so I knew at some point I was gonna start my own business,” McCracken said.

She’s been an entrepreneur since she was 11 years old. One of her latest creations is Ment Marketing & Creative Services, which she founded in 2018.

“I hire anybody who is wanting to seek a career in the creative field so like graphic design, marketing. With our company, it’s really unique because they get to have hands-on experience,” McCracken said. “They actually get to work with clients. They get to come to meetings with us and work on tangible projects that they can show their potential employer.”

McCracken said she simply wanted to meet a need because she would’ve loved an opportunity like this in college.

“Being able to see students grow when they’re working with me and seeing where they are from freshman to when they graduate. They literally work on dozens of projects and that’s really unique for an internship or as I call it a Menternship,” McCracken said.

Students have helped McCracken work with a variety of brands. A big accomplishment for her is the company’s work with nonprofits including the Aggieland Humane Society, the Sexual Assault Resource Center and the Brazos Valley African American Museum.

“Since we’ve started, we’ve donated over $80,000 in pro bono services for nonprofits both locally, a majority locally, but also nationally as well,” McCracken said.

The entrepreneur said her accomplishments wouldn’t be possible, in part, without the influence of women in her life. One is her mother.

“She was a huge part of me starting Ment because we’re both night owls. Well, actually everyone in my family is night owls, but she would stay up with me working on projects and everything,” McCracken said. “She unfortunately passed in 2020, but she was a huge part of the beginning of Ment.”

Although being a female entrepreneur has its own challenges, she encourages others to stand in their power and persevere.

“It’s really important for you to do that for yourself but also for other people to see it too,” McCracken said.

To learn more about McCracken and her business, click here.

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