Weekend Gardener: Spring blooms

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – We may be in the winter season but it’s time to start thinking about spring blooms.

“There are things that you can plant now for instant gratification like these beautiful Johnny Jump Ups or violas,” said Jayla Fry with Texas A&M AgriLife. “But you can plant pansies and snap dragons and dianthus.”

Fry says the planting window has passed for tulips.

“December is when you plant but tulips need a chill period and so you have to back your purchase up six to eight weeks and put them in the refrigerator,” she said. “So, unfortunately, even though these are available now, it would have been better to have purchased them earlier.”

She says daffodils are a good option.

“Daffodils can go straight into the ground. And the cool thing about daffodils is that sometimes they’ll naturalize meaning they’ll come back year after year, but it depends on the variety and a lot of times the varieties that we can get are not the ones that naturalize,” said Fry.

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