Over 300 people attend open house skate at Spirit Ice Arena

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Even though some people are preparing for the winter temperatures ahead, others are enjoying winter activities in the area.

Spirit Ice Arena had its open house where you skate for free on January 13th from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Co-owner of Spirit Ice Arena, Richard Mayer, says that over 300 people were skating during the open house.

He said they have an open house every year and today’s open house just seemed to fall on the weekend before those artic temperatures hit.

He finds that more people skate the second the temperatures drop compared to the summer.

“That seems to be a phenomenon that has amazed us for the 11 years we’ve run this rink. During the summer when it’s 110 degrees, you’d think people want to come in here and get cool, but attendance is very light. Then the first time we get a cold snap, we’ll have 300 people show up. It’s just, cold makes people think about skating,” said Mayer.

A long-time skater at Spirit Ice Arena, Stephen Safe, says that he skates there every Saturday and Sunday.

“You know the rink here is great, a lot of people just love to come here, they play hockey,” said Safe.

Mayer says they have a learn-to-skate program and learn-to-play hockey classes if you’d like to get involved.

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