Drunk Driving simulation comes to Bryan

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Friday afternoon, TxDOT showed residents the consequences of drinking and driving with a holiday-themed interactive experience.

As people gather to celebrate the holiday, the state of Texas wants you to remember the danger of drinking and getting behind the wheel.

Julia Davies, Traffic Safety Specialist for the Bryan TxDOT district, said everyone needs to be aware of the dangers that come with traveling and alcohol.

“We know that people are gathering with friends and family and they may be enjoying some alcoholic beverages. We just want to make sure everybody is making a plan to get home safely,” she said.

TxDOT set up a mobile exhibit to show firsthand what it’s like to be driving while intoxicated. Their goal was to raise awareness about drinking and driving.

“Showing people hopefully the importance of a sober driver. Showing them what could happen if they have consumed alcohol, trying to get on the road provide some of those interactive situations, how your vision especially can be affected after consuming alcoholic beverages,” said Davies.

Bryan resident, Anita King, tried on the goggles to see what it was like.

“It’s amazing how when you put the goggles on, you seem drunk even though you’re not,” she said.

Last year, 476 DUI alcohol-related crashes were logged in Bryan alone. Of those, 38 were fatalities and 55 were serious injuries. In December alone, there were 46 alcohol-related crashes, killing 6 people, and injuring 6 more.

Pam Edwards, with Texas A&M AgriLife Extensions, lost her 25-year-old son when he got behind the wheel with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.16, twice the legal limit.

“To get that knock on the door on August 9th, 2014 and to look out into the driveway and see a trooper’s patrol car out in your driveway, is a feeling like no other for a parent to see. Because a trooper is not knocking on your door to come and tell you something good and unfortunately the news was that my son Dillon had passed away from a crash,” she said.

Pam said it’s important for the public to feel the extremity of drinking and driving’s impact.

“This type of simulation in the community does raise awareness, it gets people talking, it gets people thinking about things, especially during the holiday season,” she said.

TxDOT says you should always have a plan in place if you are going to be drinking. They recommend planning a safe ride home, staying where you are, or using a ride share.

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