Black Friday shopping safety advice

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – In just a few hours, the frenzy of holiday shopping known as Black Friday begins. In the Brazos Valley, Kohl’s and Academy open at 5:00 AM Friday, with others like Walmart, Target, Home Depot and Best Buy opening at 6:00 AM. Post Oak Mall opens at 7:00 AM.

While it can be frantic, especially with a lack of sleep, State Farm has compiled some safety advice for the busiest shopping weekend of the year.

They say not to argue or fight over an item, and not to flash a lot of cash.

It is recommended to use only one credit card. That way, should a data breach occur, you can reduce the risk of multiple cards being compromised.

If shopping with children or others, agree ahead of time on a central meet up location in case someone gets lost.

There is also some advice for staying safe while getting to shopping centers. Be patient when looking for a parking space and be cautious of drivers who may speed up to catch an empty parking spot.

Park in a well-lit area. Lock your vehicle, and have your keys in hand when walking back to your car.

If you are shopping online, stick with retailers you know. If it is too good to be true, it most likely is. Avoid using a debit card since dispute reimbursements may be less than credit cards.

Refrain from using public Wi-Fi to make purchases to avoid hackers stealing your information.

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