Veterans Day ceremony held in Bryan to honor those who have served in the armed forces.

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) -Veterans Day stands as a tribute to the unwavering service of all U.S. veterans. On Saturday, the community came together to pay homage to the courageous men and women who served our country in times of both war and peace.

The ceremony took place at American Legion Post 159 in Bryan, where Post Commander Dale Hutchcraft delivered remarks, and Retired Brigadier General Bentley Nettles graced the occasion as the keynote speaker.

Nettles emphatically stressed the importance of remembering those who chose to serve and make the ultimate sacrifice while instilling a sense of duty in the next generation.

“We owe a lot to the men and women who stepped up to do this,” said Nettles. “It’s important that we recognize them and we continue from generation to generation encouraging those young people to step forward into that breach also.”

Hutchcraft emphasizes the importance of recognizing all those who fought on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, preserving the freedoms and opportunities Americans hold dear.

“Sometimes we feel our freedoms are under attack nowadays but we still have men and women who are willing to stand up and fight for those,” said Commander Hutchcrtaft.

While Saturday centered around honoring the present, reflecting on the past, and remembering the fallen, Hutchcraft notes it’s also a time for fellowship.

“We’re made to live in community and veterans get each other. We like to be around each other, we share our stories and people understand each other where sometimes civilians don;t understand the things we wnt through but other veterans always do,” said Commander Hutchcraft.

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