Student groups continuing selfless service through Pass It Back Day

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – The Association of Formers Students’ 24-hour day of giving is approaching. Pass It Back Day is Tuesday, Nov. 14, and the goal is for 2,800 people to give. Those funds will help current and former students in a variety of ways.

One group that’s benefiting from the initiative is known for its presence around Aggieland and the nation. It’s the Ross Volunteer Company, an extension of the Corps of Cadets that’s the oldest honor guard and drill team of its kind in Texas.

“We serve as the honor guard of the governor of the state of Texas,” Adam Paris said. “We also serve in any capacity that the university or the state or the nation requires. We’ve done things such as presidential inaugurations. We’ve gone to the governors’ inauguration for Texas.”

Paris is the company’s commander and said their top priority is to exemplify selfless service.

“What we really focus on and really hone in on is giving back to A&M and the community in any way that we can whether that be through service projects just in the community going out and doing saber arches or serving at funerals for former RVs or officials,” Paris said.

Pass It Back Day will give the company the opportunity to serve with funds sponsoring current members with a year’s membership in the Century Club.

The Century Club provides millions of dollars to Texas A&M to support current and former students, student groups, traditions and more.

“One thing that we want to do is have current students start their tradition of giving while they’re here on campus,” Allison Seibert said.

Seibert is the Association of Former Students vice president and said it’s all about teaching students that they can make a difference wherever they are.

“We hope later on that when they’re in their community and they see a local nonprofit that needs assistance whether it is through their giving day or just an annual gift that they send in every year whether it’s to the food bank or something else that they fill compelled to do that because we recognize the importance of charitable gifts throughout communities across Texas and across the world,” Seibert said.

The Ross Volunteer Company is honored to start this tradition now and inspire future company members, according to Paris.

“We really do appreciate that selfless service to us in giving that financial donation to us, to sponsor us in those memberships, and that’s something that I really hope that The Ross Volunteer Company and its membership takes and passes back as well,” Paris said.

More information on Pass It Back Day and the ways to give can be found here.

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