Conservation techniques to save water and money

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Water conservation is important to everyone, especially during the summer, when water usage can increase to 1 million gallons per hour in the city.

Jennifer Nations, College Station’s water resource coordinator, says the biggest issue the city sees during the summer in terms of water usage is people watering their lawns during the day. She says this actually wastes a lot of water.

“It’s actually the worst time to water during the hottest part of the day. [Think of] the water cycle and evaporation,” said Nations.

If no changes are made, she warns of excess pressure on water main lines, which could lead to water line breaks.

She also said the easiest way to conserve water is to limit how often someone waters their lawn, down to one day a week. The added benefit, you’ll use less electricity which will help utility companies keep up with demand.

“If people can water just two days a week and then that allows us more time to fill our tanks, to continue to provide water pressure. So avoid watering on Mondays, try to water like one day during the week, and then one weekend day,” Nation said.

Another way that this conservation can help everyone is when you pump out less water, you are also going to pay less on your monthly bill.

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