Aggies camp out for over a week ahead of Alabama ticket pull

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Rain or shine, win or lose, Aggies are dedicated to tradition. As early as the last home game against Auburn, Texas A&M students started camping outside of Kyle Field for a chance at a front row seat against Alabama.

Some may call it crazy, camping out over a week for football tickets. but the 12th Man doesn’t bat an eye.

“It’s just Alabama,” said Aggie senior Nash Clouston. “It’s just one of those things you got to get ready for.”

Texas a&m senior Nash Clouston and his crew are 18-men deep and brought all the necessities.

“We went out, all out. We got a spreadsheet going. Time frames and stuff like that,” said Clouston. “Just recently went and bought a tent so that’s one thing. Two air mattresses, a cot, two fans, tables, chairs, snacks of course.”

In the shadows of Kyle Field, tent are lined up, extension cords power TVs and laptops and lawn chairs scatter the concrete all in anticipation of Monday morning’s ticket pull.

“I’ve probably been to about all of them since I have come to A&M,” said senior Brunson Phillips “I love every single one of them, they are always fun.”

“For ‘Bama specifically we decided to camp out. We love our school, school spirit,” Samson Rodriguez. “Today we have been camping out for a week straight.”

The players they pine to watch on Kyle field take notice.

“it just shows the commitment the fans have for this team and it’s really encouraging for us, especially, knowing these students have classes and stuff and they’re out here sleeping in a tent on the concrete<’ exclaimed Aggie tight end Max Wright. “I better prepare the best I can to make the ticket that they buy worth it.”

Saturday’s showdown against the crimson tide determines the first-place team in the SECwest.

No matter the score, the ten days camping, rain and shine, was worth it for these aggies.

“It really shows the heart of aggie tradition,” exclaimed Jewel Koenig. “Aggies out here helping aggies because we are all looking out for each other and I think that the dedication of us all being here and wanting to be ready and prepared for that game it just shows the excitement and the love that we have for this university.”

With tickets secured, there’s only one thing left to do.

“Saturday we are most looking forward to beating the hell out of Alabama,” Rodriguez said,

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