City shares vision for beautifying, expanding housing at Texas Ave and University Drive

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – The City of College Station is reimagining what the northeast entrance to the city and Texas A&M University will look like.

A redevelopment plan is being presented by College Station city staff this month to share how the city could develop the area around Univerisity Drive and Texas Avenue over the next decade. The plan includes more housing that could help keep up with growth while also beautifying the gateway into the city.

“As A&M continues to grow, we’ll continue to see more people wanting to live in the region and so we need to provide those housing opportunities,” Matthew Ellis, College Station Senior Planner, said.

The proposed plan includes creating pedestrian-friendly, retail or business and mixed-use housing communities and is split into two areas: The Crossing and Eastgate.

The Crossing includes plans for mixed-use developments with businesses on the first floor of a highrise with residential living, diverse housing opportunities, landscaping, fountains, and large-scale art or signage.

“The high-rise is certainly appealing to a certain type of student and a certain type of staff member who wants to live and work near the University,” Ellis said. The city is also looking to ensure those living and working in these areas can do so without a private vehicle.

Another project piece is Eastgate, located along Texas Avenue south of Lincoln Avenue.

Ellis says the focus in Eastgate will be preserving historic character, expanding retail opportunities, and creating more green spaces among residential living.

These plans will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on Thursday.

Public input will be closed following the meeting.

If you would like your voice to be heard follow this link.

The City Council will look to vote on the redevelopment plan at the end of the month.

Northeast Gateway Redevelopment Plan by KBTX on Scribd

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