The latest on the potential government shut down and more from Washington D.C.

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – From a looming government shutdown to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky visiting the US and even a major union going on strike, these are the stories having an impact across the country. Our Washington D.C. correspondent Brendan Cullerton told us that as far as the union strike goes, President Biden is seemingly pro-labor.

“[Biden] sent several members of his team, including acting Labor Secretary Julie Su, to Detroit today to assist in those negotiations,” said Cullerton.

Cullerton also mentioned that Ukraine was a pressing issue, considering Biden is asking Congress for $24 billion for war efforts.

“The issue for Zelensky and for President Biden in that ask is a growing number of Republicans, particularly in the House of Representatives, are just against any sort of aid package for Ukraine, after the several that have already been dished out from the United States,” said Cullerton.

He goes on to mention that the shutdown might have even gone one step forward, and two steps back.

“You have to think about the Republicans in the House have to pass a package that agrees with the Senate, which is controlled by Democrats. This has to be signed by President Joe Biden. And right now it’s stonewalled just in one of those chambers,” said Cullerton.

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