Needed rain comes as Brazos Valley slips into “Exceptional” drought

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – It feels a lot better typing up this article while there’s rain on the radar, because today’s Drought Monitor is less than good news.

From week to week this summer, we have seen drought slowly, surely creep back into the area, sliding up from “Abnormally Dry” to “Extreme Drought” over the course of a summer.

With today’s update, a large majority of the area is now in the worst category: Exceptional Drought, or “D4″. In short, this means we really need rain.

Though this week’s rain is a step in the right direction (or, rather, keeping our feet still instead of stepping backwards) stepping out of drought like this will take multiple rain events over the coming weeks and likely months. As we have noted several times over the course of the summer, a coming El Niño fall and winter, which typically yields wetter weather in Texas, should help ease the situation.

For now, we’re just grateful to finally have some rain for the crunchy grass and dried up creek beds.

Across the State

Beneficial rain could not have come at a better time as exceptional drought now covers most of the Brazos Valley

Needed rain is also falling across some of the most drought-stricken areas of the state, and there is likely more to come through at least Saturday. Longer range models are hinting at a similar disturbance coming around the same time next week, but it’s a little too far out to get excited just yet. We will keep you posted!

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