Bryan residents continue to voice concerns about proposed College Station sewer line project

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) -Residents in the Beverly Estates Community of Bryan are continuing in their battle to halt a proposed College Station sewer line from being situated in their neighborhood. They recently expressed their concerns before the Bryan City Council during a meeting Tuesday.

College Station is currently exploring various alternatives for the project, which include the installation of a sewer line through the Beverly Estates neighborhood in Bryan or the implementation of a lift station with updated infrastructure within the city limits of College Station. Residents that would be impacted by the project feel that the city of College Station has less expensive alternate routes that would not impact Rosemary, nor increase flooding in their community.

Residents have been attending meetings in both Bryan and College Station for several months, seeking answers regarding the proposed project. During Tuesday’s meeting, Bryan resident Mary Linne gave a presentation on the impacts of the project. She says she felt it was important to keep the Bryan City Council updated on their efforts to speak with the city of College Station.

“I’m not sure if you all are aware of the flooding issue we have on South Rosemary,” said Linne. “I want to make you all aware, so when you have conversations about the sewer line with the College Station council or staff, you will have the knowledge of it.”

During her presentation, Linne pointed out that FEMA maps obtained show the watersheds that feed Burton Creek, identified as Burton Creek Tributaries is also known as Pin Oak Creek. She stated that the section that feeds into the creeks near homes in their community originates in College Station and could possibly contribute to flooding already being seen.

“This section of the Pin Oak Tributary originates in College Station,” said Linne. This fact has been ignored by College Station despite efforts to engage and inform staff.”

“We just feel like we’re not being listened to,” said Linne.

During her presentation, Linne also stated that ever since the development of what used to be known as the Albertsons Grocery Store, the new homes on Chimney Hill, and the addition of Arguello Street flooding has been an issue.

“It has only gotten worse over the last 20 years with the additional drainage from Cooner Street rehabilitation and new homes, and retail built in the area,” said Linne. “It’s a big problem for South Rosemary at Pin Oak Creek.”

Residents residing in the Beverly Estates community say they’re eager to see an end to the proposed project.

“It doesn’t have anything to do with Bryan, so this is truly a community issue for Bryan. It’s crucial for Bryan as a whole to consider that College Station might install a sewer line in a neighborhood, potentially causing harm,” Linne stated.

Linne and other residents argue that their environmental concerns, along with other issues, have yet to be addressed.

“The upkeep, maintenance, and potential problems that will arise afterward, such as broken lines and exacerbated flooding issues,” Linne added.

The City of College Station indicated Wednesday that they have no new developments to report at this time, while the City of Bryan released a statement stating that the final decision rests with the City of College Station.

During Tuesday’s meeting, Councilman James Edge expressed gratitude to the residents for persistently voicing their concerns.

“As we follow what our neighbor to the south is going to do, ultimately we will decide what our tactic at that point is going to be but I appreciate you all for keeping this in the public eye and I can assure you that as one council member I’m certainly listening to you,” said Edge.

Linne expressed her gratitude for the support they feel they are receiving from Bryan.

“We’re grateful that we feel like we’re getting support from Bryan. Bryan really seems to be trying to help us with this and talk to College Station and try to figure out a way to make this work where it benefits everybody,” said Linne.

Other Bryan residents also voiced their concerns during the meeting, highlighting what they perceive as preferential treatment for residents living on Rosemary Drive compared to other neighborhoods that have faced similar challenges.

Linne feels that there are several issues and questions that the city of College Station refuses to answer and says that the flooding is only one of them.

“College Station eliminated the Pin Oak lot option because of their existing flooding issues. Why then has Rosemary not been eliminated,” asked Linne. “We need you {the council} to deny access to our city streets. We also need to know that you will protect our interest, and our neighborhood and address our concerns.”

A copy of Tuesday’’s presentation can be found below.

Mary Linne Presentation to Bryan City Council by KBTX on Scribd

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