Texas A&M Students start their return to campus

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – Busy roads and packed stores in College Station are a normal occurrence this time of year as Texas A&M University students make their way back to campus.

Students who will live on campus started their move-in on Thursday and it will last till Sunday. Car after car poured into the university’s dorm parking lots Friday afternoon, filled with students who will call campus their home for the next two semesters. It also created some extra traffic along University Drive as people turned left into the lot.

As students and those accompanying them made the track from the parking lot to the dorms, many of them were sweating from the heat, but one the hardest parts of the move-in was finding a place to park, said Texas A&M freshman, Adam Lavine who started his move-in on Thursday.

“It was a pretty smooth process except for the parking, so many people trying to move in, it was a little hard trying to find a spot but once I did I got checked in and got everything inside it was pretty smooth after that,” Lavine said. “It took about two to three hours to get situated.”

For freshman Priya Chandrani, move-in on Friday started around 10:30 a.m., and she wasted no time making her dorm entirely her own by 3:20 p.m.

“It was pretty fun doing my own design especially after all those years in high school and middle school being in the same room,” Chandrani said. “I brought fairy lights are a must of course according to me and other decorations such as polaroids, a lot of storage bins and a lot of rugs I think they make the place look a lot more homely.”

After freshman Derek Murphy Jr. finished moving into his dorm room Friday morning he went with his family to get some essential supplies.

“It wasn’t that bad we went to the store in Bryan, but I got hangers and diet Coke and different snacks for my dorm,” Murphy Jr. said.

However, some students are still preparing to make that journey to the store like Chandrani who already has some ideas on what she’ll buy.

“A lot of snacks, mostly the ones that don’t go into the fridge,” Chandrani said. “I have a pretty big pantry at Lechner, so I want to make the most use of it.”

With school at Texas A&M starting on Monday every student had something different they were looking forward to.

“I’m excited for the football games, going to class and just learning stuff,” Murphy Jr. said.

As for Lavine, he’s excited to pick his major when he gets the chance.

“I’m in engineering and our first year is a general engineering experience and then we get to decide our majors,” Lavine said.

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