CSPD responds to Regent questioning integrity of student traffic stops

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – The College Station Police Department released a statement regarding comments made during the Texas A&M Board of Regents meeting Wednesday night doubting the integrity of traffic stops.

During the meeting, Regent Jay Graham told the group “College Station PD has told me personally they kind of assume our students are guilty when they pull them over because they are students. I was told by one of their Sergents that ‘They’ve got drugs, they’ve got alcohol, they’re a student’ and so they question and they push and they try to get them to volunteer to let them look in their car.”

College Station Police Chief Billy Couch said he is unsure why the comment was made and that the department considers students to be community members.

“The mission of the College Station Police Department is to protect and serve with excellence. It is our responsibility to enforce the laws of the state, and we will enforce these laws equally, without prejudice, fairly and transparently. We utilize every interaction with the community as an opportunity to build a relationship. We will continue working together to solve problems and build partnerships within our community.”

CSPD says they are investigating the incident.

College Station PD Board of Regents Statement by KBTX on Scribd

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