Texas A&M Board of Regents approve tuition freeze, capital plan

COLLEGE STATION, Texas (KBTX) – The regents of The Texas A&M University System approved Wednesday a freeze on tuition and fees for undergraduate Texas residents in the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic years, while also authorizing a $4.8 billion capital plan for the next five years.

The Board of Regents said Wednesday the system is able to provide the support due to the unprecedented revenue surplus at the state level in Texas, and members of the Texas Legislature offered additional funding as part of the state’s Higher Education Affordability initiative.

“Providing an excellent and affordable education always has been a priority for us, and I am so pleased that our regents and state lawmakers could provide this tuition freeze to our students,” John Sharp, Chancellor of the Texas A&M University System, said. “I hope this move can give some reassurance and relief to Texas A&M’s students and their families.”

Also Thursday, the regents approved billions for construction for projects at every entity. The $4.8 billion system capital plan includes $3.2 billion of previously approved projects that are either in design or construction. The plan also includes $1.6 billion in proposed future projects across the Systems 11 universities and eight state agencies.

Some of the projects include:

Texas A&M University, Space Collaboration Facility in Houston, $200,000,000Texas A&M University at Galveston, Infrastructure and dock improvements, $2,500,000Texas A&M Health Science Center, Health Education and Research Building in McAllen, $25,000,000Prairie View A&M University, Campus Infrastructure, $13,700,000Tarleton State University, Interprofessional Education Building, $76,000,000Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, Arts and Media Building, $80,900,000Texas A&M University – Commerce, Morris Recreation Center Expansion, $17,500,000Texas A&M University – Central Texas, Central Operational Reliability and Efficiency Facility, $49,900,000Texas A&M University – San Antonio, Public Health and Education Building, $54,900,000Texas A&M University – San Antonio, Educare Building, $16,970,000Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Vernon Campus Storm Repairs, $15,000,000Texas A&M AgriLife Research, Animal Reproductive Biotechnology Center, $13,000,000Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station, Hypersonic Wind Tunnel, $30,000,000Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service, TEEX RELLIS Training Props, $25,300,000System Offices, Quantum & Artificial Intelligence Chip Fabrication Facility, $100,000,000Texas A&M-RELLIS, Avenue D South Extension & Utility Upgrades, $13,500,000

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