Brazos County Commissioners to meet in a workshop session to discuss 2023-2024 County Budget

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – This coming Thursday the Brazos county commissioners will meet in a workshop session.

They’re expected to present and discuss the 2023-2024 county budget.

Details include the 2023 tax rate assumptions and general fund revenues versus expenditures, as well as increases and decreases by department to include salary, wages and departmental support. It’s at 2:00 PM at the Brazos County Administration Building.

Last October, the Brazos County Commissioners failed to set a new tax rate before the deadline. Therefore, it defaulted to a “no new revenue” rate of $0.42.

There had been an original proposal to raise the rate to $0.48. However, then commissioner Russ Ford and commissioner Steve Aldrich dodged meetings starting in early September to keep it from being passed. The County attempted to negotiate by lowering it to $0.46, but it wasn’t enough to bring the two commissioners to the table. State law requires at least four of the five commissioners to participate in meetings to set the tax rate.

Both Commissioners had said it would cost taxpayers more money due to a raise in appraisal value, and they were seeking a neutral tax rate of $0.44.

They still have their regular meeting on Tuesday at 10:00 AM.

According to the Commissioners Court website, a major area of responsibility for Commissioners Court is overseeing the construction and maintenance of roads and bridges in Brazos County that are not part of the state highway system.

The court also approves the hiring of, and the setting of salaries for, most county employees, and may appoint a replacement for a vacant elected position. The Commissioners Court has the power to create offices, boards, and commissions to fulfill certain needs.

The court is authorized to issue bonds for the support of county projects and is responsible for the management of debt created by the sale of those bonds. The Commissioners Court may enter into contracts with other local governments, with the state, and with private entities.

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