Sadberry Intermediate officially welcomes students into new school year

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – Thousands of students returned to the classroom Thursday including those in Bryan ISD. Many started the new academic year at the district’s newest school, O.W. Sadberry Sr. Intermediate School.

Alfred Scott, the school’s principal, said the building’s opening has been highly anticipated by many in the community. The school’s growth even started before the doors officially opened Thursday.

The school was originally supposed to have 250 students enrolled. By the end of the school’s Meet the Teachers Night Wednesday, 345 students were enrolled.

“This is a game changer,” Scott said.

According to the principal, Sadberry Intermediate has three focal points. Those include the library, the cafeteria that has a full kitchen and stage and the two-sided gym.

“When Bryan ISD says ‘Children First,’ I think about this building,” Scott said. “This building was built with children in mind.”

The classrooms also come with unique features that promote interactive learning. Social studies teacher Lauren Allman loves her whiteboards. She has traditional ones on the walls along with individual whiteboards for students to use at their desks and her sliding classroom doors double as whiteboards.

“I’m just really excited that they have so many different features to incorporate into the lessons,” Allman said.

Reading interventionist Tiffany Hurst loves the adjustable desks that move up and down. Hurst works one-on-one with her students and said the desk will help them be more comfortable during lessons.

“It opens up the learning opportunities for all of our students,” Hurst said.

Along with the classroom features like the whiteboards, desks and walls that double as tack boards, the teachers are honored to be at a school named after a Bryan ISD pioneer.

O.W. Sadberry Sr. was both a teacher and a principal during his time at Booker T. Washington Elementary School. He worked there from 1949-1970.

Resource math teacher Alizae Dollins said she’s honored to be a part of Sadberry’s legacy. This school year will mark her third year as an educator.

“Just being chosen for this opportunity, it makes my heart want to burst because there are so many people that could’ve gotten this opportunity and I was one of the few chosen ones,” Dollins said.

As a product of Bryan ISD, Scott is also honored to carry on the legacy of the school’s namesake.

“The name is profound throughout Bryan ISD and the community of Bryan as a whole,” Scott said. “Just to be able to lead this building named after him it’s huge, it’s monumental for me.”

The 2023-2024 school year will solely house fifth-grade students. Sixth graders will be a part of the 2024-2025 school year.

To learn more about Sadberry Intermediate and to stay up-to-date with announcements, click here.

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