First Friday brings people to Downtown Bryan despite the heat

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) – First Friday in Downtown Bryan brought residents out despite the heat with a few exciting things to check out.

There was live music at the newly renovated Palace Theater, an art walk, a live wrestling event with Lions Pride Wrestling and more.

It was over 100 degrees at the start of the event so vendors were passing out fans and water. Store were also open for attendees to stop for a break in the air conditioning. Chris Ortegon with Destination Bryan says if you didn’t make it out to the August event, next month will be an opportunity to catch some of the excitement you may have missed.

“With live wrestling, we decided to do kind of a two-part Series. So if you’re here tonight, or you plan on coming next month they’re gonna leave you with the kind of a cliffhanger for the story. So if you want to see part two for the wrestling that’ll be a lot of fun to come and see,” he said.

There will be free parking at the Roy Kelly Parking Garage Downtown for future First Friday events. This free parking will run from 5:00 p.m. to midnight during First Friday events.

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